Why Exercise today is so much more than just weight loss and getting fit!

We have been made to think that the only reason you need to exercise is to lose weight, put on muscle or increase your cardiovascular fitness and today we could not be more wrong.

If the past 18 months during the Covid pandemic has taught us anything it is that exercise needs to be an integral part of our life not only for our physical health but also for our mental and social health too. We now live in an age where convenience is king and our lives have never been more sedentary so the need to use and move our bodies has never been more important

So many of us get demotivated and stop exercising when we think we're not losing weight or not gaining any strength or fitness and we say to ourselves "what's the point!" But the positive impact exercise can have on our lives is exponential, here are 5 positive impacts exercise is having on your life.

  1. Decreases Stress - Any form of exercise is the ultimate stress reliever, when we exercise our brain releases endorphins which is our bodies in built feel good drug and levels out our more negative hormones of cortisol and adrenaline. So when you finish exercising you feel more relaxed, focused and motivated to get on with your day.

  2. Improves Mobility and Flexibility - As we live such sedentary lives today exercise is so important to keep your bodies mobility and flexibility functioning. Most of us today have lower back and joint pain from sitting too long at desks all day or on the couch when we get home but by simply exercising and using our muscles and joints how they were intended to be used can relieve all of that back pain.

  3. Improves Social Skills - Exercise is also the ultimate social catch up, whether that be playing a social team sport or catching up with a friend for a walk or run. You can kill two birds with one stone by assisting your physical and mental health at the same time and having that person will also give you the accountability to turn up every week.

  4. Improves joint and Bone Strength - Using your body as it was intended to be used means we need to put weight bearing exercises through our joints which improves our bone and joint strength. Some simple body weight exercises is enough to make sure we don't suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis as we age.

  5. Decreases chances of heart disease - Heart disease is the biggest killer in Australia and exercise plays the most important part in turning that stat around. Just by being physically active you reduce your chances of heart disease by 30%.

The most important thing to remember when we talk about exercise is that it doesn't have to be anything extreme or too hard, do what you enjoy doing and you'll quickly find that you can build that into a habit. A simple walk, skip, dance, cycle or swim will suffice, the most important thing is that you do it a few times a week every single week. So give that friend a call and get outside together and get some endorphins pumping, your body will thank you!

Written by: Phil Jackson.


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